
The Time For Live Art project sees 4 human-scale performance art festivals in Europe – Trouble Festival (Brussels, Belgium), New Performance Turku Biennale (Turku, Finland), MIRfestival (Athens, Greece) and Infinite Present (Ljubljana, Slovenia) – join forces to underline the resilience of the live art sector, in a contemporary world suffering from ecological and health wounds. A project supported by the European Union’s Creative Europe programme.

Convinced of the need to come together around a live and vibrant event, the four participating partners engage with each other and address questions on time’s multiple facets: how to create, present, and disseminate performing arts works: Time set aside to intertwine the creative activity with a given context; time to fully experience the work; time to facilitate its presentation; time for the artist to work, and time to cultivate the public’s memory. 

What we do


Each of the 4 festivals is presenting in its own manner a programme of live art, marking their belonging to the Time For Live Art project.


The “Time to Reflect” retreat gave the project a collective experience offering the group a common soil from which each one will develop differently.

What time is it?

The project “What Time Is It?” follows 4 artists traveling slowly from one city to another, where the experience of the trip becomes the material for a new artistic production. This travel period is followed by a residency in the city where the episodes take place before and during one of the festivals.

Rest as Resistance Workshops

During each festival, the "Rest As Resistance" workshop brings together professionals of the performing art scene: organizers, artists and civil servants working in the field of arts mobility.